Exchange 2013/2016/2019 – Automated Install

Grundsätzlich werden hier zwei Ansätze verfolgt:
Zum einen ein manueller Ansatz via CMD, incl. Installation der Voraussetzungen via PowerShell Script und zum Anderen eine komplett automatisierte Installation mit einem Script…

Silent Installation via CMD

Voraussetzungen installieren

Hierfür verwende ich das Script von und anschließend diese Befehle, um den Exchange quasi unattend zu installieren.

Exchange installieren

  • IIS Rewrite Modul installieren
  • das ISO des Exchange Server mounten
  • die CMD (nicht die Powershell!) als Administrator starten
  • Vorbereiten der Schema Erweiterung mit
    Setup.exe /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms_DiagnosticDataOFF /PrepareSchema
  • Vorbereiten der Domain und Vergabe des Org Namens mit
    Setup.exe /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms_DiagnosticDataOFF /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"Contoso Corporation"
  • Installation des Exchange mit Vergabe des ersten DB Namens, Festlegung des Datenbank Verzeichnisses und des zugehörigen DB Log-Verzeichnisses. (Diese Verzeichnisse VORHER bitte erstellen!)
    setup.exe /Mode:install /Role:Mailbox /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms_DiagnosticDataOFF /DisableAMFiltering /MdbName:MBX01 /DbFilePath:"E:\Exchange_Databases\MBX01\MBX01.edb" /LogFolderPath:"L:\Logs\MBX01"


Die automatische Installation via Script



Quelle: –>
Hier gehts zum Github Repo (Download) –>

Latest version: 3.6, September 28th, 2021

This script fully automates the unattended deployment process of Exchange v15 (2013/2016/2019), i.e.
Installing Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019 features;
Active Directory preparation (Optional);
Installing Exchange Server prerequisites (UCMA, .NET Framework, required updates etc.);
Installing recommended fixes and settings (Optional);
Installing Exchange Server and perform post-configuration (tailor to own needs) (Optional).
Script contains full help and examples on how to use it. When „AutoPilot“ switch is used, it will do all
the required rebooting and automatic logging on using provided credentials. To keep track of parameters
and state, it uses an XML file; if this file is present, this information will be used to start or continue preparation
or installation.


(A short description of the parameters)

  • Organization (optional): Specifies name of the Exchange organization to create. When omitted, the step to prepare Active Directory (PrepareAD) will be skipped.
  • InstallMailbox: Specifies you want to install the Mailbox server role. Applies to Exchange 2013 as well as Exchange 2016.
  • InstallCAS: Specifies you want to install the CAS role. Applies to Exchange 2013 only, ignored when installing Exchange 2016.
  • InstallMultiRole:Specifies you want to install both Mailbox server and CAS roles. Applies to Exchange 2013 only.
  • InstallEdge: Specifies to install the Edge Transport rule (Exchange 2013/2016).
  • MDBName (optional): Specifies name of the initially created database.
  • MDBDBPath (optional): Specifies database path of the initially created database (requires MDBName).
  • MDBLogPath (optional): Specifies log path of the initially created database (requires MDBName).
  • InstallPath (optional): Specifies (temporary) location of where to locate – and when downloaded store – prerequisite files, the state file and log files. Default location is C:\Install. You can also use a UNC path to use a central location, given the credentials have sufficient permissions to write at this location. This is ideal when you want the script to use previously downloaded hotfix files, for example, as some required hotfixes are quite large (e.g. KB3206632 for WS2016 ~ 1GB, KB2919355 for WS2012R2 ~ 700MB).
  • NoSetup (optional): Specifies you only want to install prerequisites (and optionally prepare the Exchange organization), Exchange setup and post-configuration steps are not performed. You still need to specify SourcePath because the Exchange version will determine the prerequisites to install.
  • Recover: Specifies you want to install this server in Recovery mode. The script will check if an Exchange server object is already defined.
  • SourcePath: Specifies location of the Exchange 2013 installation files. This can point to the location of setup.exe, or the location of the ISO.
  • TargetPath: Specifies the location where to install the Exchange 2013.
  • AutoPilot (switch): Specifies you want to automatically restart, logon using credentials specified and continue the installation. When not specified, you will need to restart, logon and start the script manually each time (without parameters).
  • Credentials (optional): Specifies credentials to use for automatic logon. Use DOMAIN\User or user@domain. When not specified, you will be prompted to enter credentials.
  • IncludeFixes (optional).  Depending on operating system and detected Exchange version to install, will download and install recommended hotfixes.
  • SCP (optional) allows you to reconfigure the Service Connection Point record for Autodiscover after Exchange setup has finished. Specify the full URI, e.g. Use ‘-‘ to clear the SCP entries of the server.
  • Lock (optional) locks the system when running script.
  • NoNet48 (optional) to use .NET Framework 4.7.2, even when installing an Exchange version which is supported with .NET Framework 4.8.
  • NoNET471 (optional) to use .NET Framework 4.6.2, even when installing an Exchange version which is supported with .NET Framework 4.7.1.
  • NoNET472 (optional) to use .NET Framework 4.7.1, even when installing an Exchange version which is supported with .NET Framework 4.7.2.
  • NoNET461 (optional) to use .NET Framework 4.5.2, even when installing an Exchange version which is supported with .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher.
  • DisableSSL3 (optional) to disable SSL3 protocol as per KB187498.
  • DisableRC4 (optional) to disable RC4 cipher as per KB2868725.
  • SkipRolesCheck (optional) to bypass membership checks for Schema Admin and Enterprise Admin roles.
  • EdgeDNSSuffix specifies the DNS suffix to configure on the primary NIC.



.\Install-Exchange15.ps1 -Organization Fabrikam -InstallMailbox -MDBDBPath C:\MailboxData\MDB1\DB -MDBLogPath C:\MailboxData\MDB1\Log -MDBName MDB1 -InstallPath C:\Install -AutoPilot -Credentials $Cred -SourcePath '\\server\share\Exchange2019\exchange_server_2019_xxx' -SCP -Verbose
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